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Measuring Forgiveness

A Systematic Review

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Abstract. Forgiveness is frequently investigated, and many methods of assessment have been used. However, discerning which methods of assessment to use for which purposes has generally not been based on systematic analysis. We searched four databases: Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and PsycINFO. Forgiveness measures were grouped into Forgiveness Scales (i.e., Dispositional Forgiveness, Episodic Forgiveness, and Dyadic Forgiveness) and Other Measures of Forgiveness (i.e., implicit, behavioral, and biological measures). We reviewed original articles that describe the development of 45 measures and compiled psychometric information (including instrument language and availability, original samples, instrument composition, estimated reliabilities of scores, evidence of construct validity, and an evaluation of each measure). Also, our review suggests a nomological network of associations regarding the construct validity of interpreting scores as forgiveness. Those associations inform the concept of forgiveness, describing which and how variables are associated with this construct. We evaluate the level of sophistication of research in forgiveness assessment and offer suggestions to consider when choosing specific instruments to assess dispositional and episodic forgiveness.


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